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Can a Decaying Tooth Handle Whitening?

Posted on 12/30/2019 by Fern Creek Dentistry
Can a Decaying Tooth Handle Whitening?Everyone wants to have teeth that are white and shiny. Unfortunately, many teeth simply don't live up to the expectation. Whether it is due to a natural coloration issue, or simply because of too much wine, coffee, or other staining agents, many people find that their teeth don't look nearly as white as they would like.

When this happens, a popular solution is to have your teeth whitened. There are a number of whitening kits sold in stores, but if you really want the job done right you should have it done professionally. Yet, sometimes people who want to have their teeth whitened are also suffering from tooth decay.

This raises the question: can a decaying tooth handle being whitened? Here is some information you will want to consider.

The Way Whitening Works

A very important factor in what the whitening will do to your teeth is how the whitening agent works. Most whiteners are perfectly safe; however, some of them whiten the tooth by stripping away a small part of the outer enamel.
If the whitener you are using is one that strips away enamel, you should not use it even on perfectly healthy teeth. Doing so will only cause your teeth to eventually suffer irreversible damage.

So, What About Whitening on Decaying Teeth?

If your teeth are decaying, you might want to carefully consider whether you are going to whiten them. Even the safe whitening agents can contain compounds that could cause quite a bit of discomfort under certain circumstances, such as when they come into contact with a tooth that is decaying.

We recommend that you take care of the decaying tooth first, and then consider whitening. If you have any questions about your teeth, please feel free to contact us. We can help you decide whether whitening is the right choice.
By far the best dentist in Statesville! My teeth are doing so much better since I started coming here! Extractions are cheap and reasonable if you don’t have insurance. Thank you Fern Creek Dentistry for making my teeth better!

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Statesville, NC 28625

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